Monday, July 22, 2013


2008 proved to be the year that set the stepping-stone for many positive changes in my life that have lasted ever since. 

I flew home (to Switzerland) for Christmas 2007 and when I was back in Mexico and looked through the pictures of that trip, one particularly stood out to me. It was telling me very clearly that I had reached a limit on my extra weight.

For the first time ever I felt, by looking at that particular photo, that I was actually fat. By that time it had been about 9 years that I was aware of having some overweight, but I never felt really uncomfortable. Looking in the mirror would raise the occasional question if I should start a diet and loose some extra pounds, but I never considered myself fat. Except when shopping for cloth. But then I would just complain about the fashion and how I would refuse to loose weight just to fit into these pants, or look good in that shirt. I was not willing to subdue myself to trends that only focused on super skinny models…
At least that’s what I told myself, and whoever got in my way when I had one of those fashion-should-be-for-everyone moments. The bottom line is that I felt good about myself (most of the time) and was busy focusing on other goals in my life.

Now that I had decided to loose weight; the big question was HOW?
I never consider myself as a diet-friendly person. I love eating. It is one of my greatest pleasures. Just the thought of having to say no to a some kind of food made me drop any diet before even starting it.
Through the experience of a friend’s sister I got to know “Quita Kilos”. A well established company here in Mexico with a wealth of experience on helping people to loose weight, the healthy way. I’ll get back to what that means later on. After my first meeting I knew I was in the right hands and my goal of loosing all those extra pounds was within reach.
It took me a full 15 month to loose 46 lbs but it was worthwhile every step of the journey. Of course at first I calculated that sticking to the program I would be loosing about 3.3 lbs a week, which would get me to my goal in about 14 weeks…

Truth is: 3 month trough my program I did not care how long it would take me to reach my goal-weight. All that mattered was that eventually I would get there, enjoying it!