Friday, August 2, 2013

Body chemistry

We all know that drinking lots of water is important to keep our body hydrated and well functioned.  But how much water is enough? And can you drink too much water? The answer to the second question is: “Yes, it is possible to drink too much water, and consequences to that can even be deadly”. The first question has no exact answer, but it is somewhere between 6 to 12 cups, depending on the climate you live in and how much you exercise.  I don’t want to get too much into the details about that right now though, but much more share something I found out recently regarding our body chemistry.

Keep on reading, you'll find a tasty recipe at the end.

At school I never liked or understood chemistry very well. Therefore thought; why bother, I’ll never again need it in my life anyway. Well, in my adult life I have come to learn that chemistry is a big part of life and its functioning. The way our body works has A LOT to do with chemistry. Here is something I learned, a few weeks ago, about resistance and created energy in our body and it has helped me to adjust the amount of water I'd drink a day.

From: Reams Biological theory of Ionization

 An ANION MOLECULE has a positive ion as a nucleus. This + ion is known as a CATION.  The orbiting shell of an ANION molecule rotates in a clock-wise direction. A CATION molecule has an ANION as its nucleus and has CATIONS, or if you prefer cationic electrons, in its outer orbit. This orbit is counter- clock-wise. But why is this important? Because herein is the vital key to health as expressed in science! All energy in human bodies is created by the RESISTANCE generated when these oppositely charged ions rotating in opposite directions come together. Think of that, you physics majors! In college physics we have been taught, and generally quite true, that RESISTANCE consumes energy. But in the ionization chemistry of the human body, it is the RESISTANCE between the orbiting anions and the orbiting cations that actually creates energy! If there is no resistance, then no energy is created. 

How does this relate to drinking water, you may ask yourself? It is not an easy question to answer. However if you consume too much water your body can’t flush it out quickly enough and it imbalances your electrolytes, which eventually will cause the body to store the extra water in your cells, what in its turn will lead to their inflammation (get more info here). This affects the resistance between the anions and cations and therefore no energy is created. You may feel tired and worn-out, in the worst case, as mentioned at the beginning, it can lead to death. So basically you need to find a way to keep that balance, without affecting your body’s hydration. A good alternative to water is an electrolyte solution. 

Here’s a homemade recipe for an electrolyte solution:

In a 27 oc glass mix
the juice of one lime,
a pinch of sea salt;
a pinch of bicarbonate
and one tbs of honey,
fill it up with water, whisk it all very well and enjoy. 

Tip: Add some ice on a hot day and you have a very refreshing beverage.

Did you already try the recipe? What do you think? Let me know in the comments below.

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